Tuesday, December 17, 2019

In This Moment

Our lives are sliced thin

moment by moment

memorable or not

some are wild and bombastic

some are calm and serene

many moments are mundane

others are life-changing

there will be celebrations

and there will be long stretches of routine


every moment counts

it all adds up to who you are

you are

a walking collection of moments

a human museum of experiences

you are

a concert hall filled with stirring strains

a theater echoing with laughter

a library of autobiographical anecdotes

you are

still under construction

but you have a design

and a destiny

and the stacks of moments

the slices of life

that are you

will just keep building

and who you are

in this moment

counts the most.


  1. I do love the 'You ares'. The whole entry makes me think. A strange thing happened this morning. Just a few seconds before waking up, and just for an instant I saw my dad's face. It was so real. I could see the deep wrinkles and that constant smile. And in that instant, I realized I now look much older than he did when he died at 69.
    I want that 'thin slice' back.
    Thanks for dropping by the Shipslog, I appreciate your time.
    Sherry & jack

    1. Thanks, Jack. I have really been enjoying your tales. The recent posts about your implants have been particularly moving. Such a profound thing, our hearing. High fives to you!

  2. Stopped by, I like your "Slice", My slices of Life are now more Memories than activities, Health slows us down but we find each day is a blessing to have and use !

    1. Hey, Woody. Thank you for stopping by. Yes, we do slow down, don't we? And yes, each day truly is a blessing!

  3. Wow! This is so totally good. Your thoughts in prose are right up there with your wonderful photographs.
